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Sunday 26 April 2015

22 Types Of People You Meet When Travelling By Bus In Nigeria

Travelling by road gives you the opportunity to meet a wide array of people. After travelling for a while you will come to realise that you will surely meet a certain group of Nigerians.

Below is a simple guide to a few of the many different types of people you will while travelling by road in Nigeria

1.     The Story Teller That Won’t Shut Up

They never shut up. These are stranger who just love live and they just happen to be very friendly and chatty.

They always have a story to tell. They are very easy to identify as they usually leave their common sense at home when they travel

2.     The Rude Loader

He wants you to pay for every item that is larger than the size of backpack. You will not blame him until you meet the . . .

3.     The Unbelievably Bulky Traveller

This person usually travels with the highest amount of unimportant items you can ever think of.

Don’t be surprised if you find a grinding stone among or a mortar (or any ridiculous item) amongst this person’s luggage.

4.     The Human Navigator

This person is apparently on this particular route all the time and knows every short cut, every nook and cranny of this route.

They usually come in handy sometimes.

5.     The Assistant Driver

His job is to give the driver a crash course on how to drive a car. And if the driver proves to be adamant, he will remind the driver how he has been driving for (insert a very large figure) years.

Just hope you do not have two of this kind of people in your bus, else they will annoy the driver to a river. Literally

6.     Front Seat Freak

They want to ride in the front passenger seat of the bus by all means and this is usually for some personal (unimportant) reason that you might never comprehend.

We like to think that they are trying to avoid sitting beside an annoying passenger or sitting in the front passenger seat of the bus gives them a feeling of control.

It probably makes them feel like the most important person in the bus (after the driver of course!).

7.     The Radical Preparing A Stink Bomb With Their Stomach

They are going to eat everything they can lay their hand on during the journey and trust us, it won’t be funny for the other passengers when it starts coming out from the other side. If you know what we mean.

8.     The Romantic Couple

They are super chill and friendly. They are most likely to engage in acts that will give the other passenger a mixed feeling of irritation and jealousy.

9.     The Couple Who Seems To Be Trying Too Hard

You can tell they’re both equally in love and frustrated at the same time. Travelling with someone else is never easy and when you’re in a relationship you can only imagine it takes a little bit more patience than usual. Like the worldly couple, everything they do is together.

10.The Student Who Is Just Resuming School

A couple gigantic bags of clothes and foodstuff enough to feed a whole village? That is a student who is just resuming school.

Get ready for some professional level bargaining

11.Pastor Who Scares The Life Out Of You

This pastor is here to pray for your bus before it leaves the terminal or during journey. If only he would pray peacefully and just leave. He is going scare you with tales of where you are going to in case there is an accident and you do not survive.

Who does that?

12.The Phone Addict

Similar to travelling with a couple but this person is obsessed with their gadgets and married to their apps. They usually dedicate their time to their phone even when there is not network coverage.

Whatever you do, don’t try and take their phone off them, you’d have more chance trying to wrestle the prey from an alligator’s jaw.

13.The Person With A Caring Lover

They are usually members of a loved up couple who obviously are divided by a couple of miles (okay thousands of miles). Your travel buddy will constantly be on the phone with their lover.

And when they are not the phone, they will talk about their other half at every opportunity they get. Not fun.

14.First Time Traveller

It’s this person’s first time travelling by this route, they will keep asking questions like, “are we there yet?”, “Where are we”, “How many hours do we have left?”

Don’t you just hate it when that happens?

15.The Shady Marketer

You sometimes meet them before the bus leaves the terminal or during the journey. They always seem to have a ridiculous product that is guaranteed to work for a maximum of 23 hours or a drug that is going to heal every disease known to man.

Piece of advice; don’t buy anything from such people. Anything

16.The Incurably Sick

Admittedly some people get road sick, not that being road sick is not annoying to your co-passengers but we are talking about the group of people who are sick and just won’t wait to get well before travelling. The Patrick Sawyer type of people.

They seem bent on infecting you with whatever illness they seem to have contracted. Yuck!!

17.Those That Are Never Comfortable

They seem to be deluded that the bus is the couch in their sitting room and will try their best to be comfortable.

Little tip? They always turn out to be master trouble makers.

18.Police Who Will Demand A Bribe Or Delay Your Bus For No Reason

This policeman will demand a bribe from your driver and if the driver refuses, he will ask to search every bag in that vehicle (or just ask you to park for a long time doing nothing) just to waste your time.

Since nobody wants that, drivers prefer to just bribe the policemen except there is . . .

19.A Soldier Who Will Save You From Prowling Policemen

They will save you from the normal police hassle on the way.

20.The Policeman Dressed In Military Uniform

He is a soldier alright but we prefer to call him a policeman because he behaves like a lowest of policemen you can find on the street.

21.The Odd Couple

This may not actually be a “couple” as such, but rather two people that are traveling together that you wouldn’t have thought would get along. For example, a shy guy traveling with a really extroverted, and charismatic person.

When you meet these people, your faith in humanity will be restored somewhat as you realize that we can all get along if we want to.

22.The Average Amazing Person

They are usually your favourite person on the bus. You just happen to like them for no apparent reason. They are friendly, funny and considerate. You enjoy their company, and just wish you could keep in touch with them because it is important you extend your network of good people (since they seem to be rare these days).

If you are unable to see them again, just be thankful that they exist.

You are really thinking that you are an Average Amazing Person, aren’t you? Yeah right!

At the end of it all, no one is perfect. The truth is there’s no perfect travelling companion, and any seasoned traveler will tell you, that it takes a lot of compromise and understanding of that person to get past the little time you have to spend with this group of strangers.

Have you ever traveled with people like these? How did it go? What are some types you’ve met while travelling by road?

Tell us about your experience in the comment section below

SOURCE: Anonymous

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