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Tuesday 13 January 2015


You’re a fresh graduate, just out of the school system probably awaiting National Youth Service Corps or you’re in the labour market. Don’t despair as there are opportunities waiting for you to tap into. All you need do is to open your eyes and come to the realisation that you’re no longer in the academic environment, a school system that is always almost unrealistic compared to the hustling and bustling nature of the real world, a stunning world where countless numbers of graduates like you with even five or more years than you, are roaming the street in search of the same job as you. Now isn’t that scary?
But be not worry as I’m not here to scare you; I’m only here to let you see the need to buckle down in order to get yourself very prepared for the challenges at hand. It is no longer news, except you’re living in a land of fantasy, that being a graduate in Nigeria is like being just the other guy looking for any kind of job. Well, however exaggerated this may seem, it is the reality. Every year, the Nigerian university systems churn out thousands of graduates with a gloomy labour market with its attendant hostility, waiting to reluctantly receive them. But of course there are few exceptional cases whereby graduates now plan ahead to withstand the labour market by engaging in, as well equipping themselves with, the necessary job skills so that by the time they’re graduating, they will have been very much ready to scale through the hurdles of the alarming rate of unemployment condition bedevilling the country. But this set of people are few – usually one in a million cases.

But that, seriously, isn’t the main thrust of this presentation. Our main focus here is to light up our hope, that despite all these challenges, we can still survive and come out even stronger than we least imagine. It all depends on three key elements: patience, persistence and positivity.

The Five Things You Can Do
Meantime, while job-hunting, there are five things you can do that could help close the gap between your unemployed state and productivity. These five things will go a long way in sustaining you for a while, before you get your dream job.

Info Marketing

Info marketing, also called internet business is one of the ways a graduate could earn a living while still job-hunting. It is an online business whereby you need a domain name or a free blog to start. If there is a particular skill you acquired during your undergrad days, this is the best platform to put it to use. For, to be frank, blogging or information marketing only works with a person who has set out to solve people’s problems or provide things people need. One you can render services often required by people such as phone repair tips, fashion tips, culinary skills tips, even blogging tips etc., you should thrive well as an info marketer/blogger.

This, I think, is still a nascent income-earning platform in Nigeria. The few people practising it are established professionals in their various fields, mostly journalists and graphic artists. But to most fresh graduates out there, this business outlet is still new. So, can you do it? Yes. But I’m not qualified, not a professional, you might ask.
Well, it’s simple: if you’re skilled in writing, editing, proofreading, web designing, graphic design and possess other relevant skills; you can think of what you believe people you haven’t come into physical contact with can entrust you with, then you’re good to go. This is what freelancing entails; people pay you online in exchange for a service rendered in trust. It’s a tested and confirmed ways people are making money. You too can. Try using FreelancerelanceOpportunity Desk, or Ezine.

Private Teaching
I’m not going to dwell much on this because it is popular. It’s also a means a fresh graduate can earn humble income while still engaged in his job search. To get private coaching isn’t difficult, is it? All you need is a little bit of boldness and networking. Exploiting one’s contacts to the best of advantage has been a most recurrent issue when it comes to getting a job. Rather than sit idly at home wallowing in unnecessary lamentation and complaints over the failure of the government in providing its citizen with jobs, go out there and meet with the right people who know someone who know someone who in turn know someone whose little son or daughter is in need of private/home tutor. By extension, you may as well explore many tutorial centres around you and apply as a part-time tutor. Half a loaf is better than no bread.

Estate Agent or Laundry Manager
I know this sounds somewhat awkward to some graduates! Yeah, it sure does! But of course I wouldn’t have included it in this list if it is not already working for graduates – yes, graduates like you. In most cases, you’re often assigned an intermediary role where you get to liaise with people looking for houses to rent, to lease or even to purchase, depending on how deep you want to go into this business. I tell you, it’s profitable both financially and self-developmentally. During the cause of meeting with clients you’re presented with the opportunity of enhancing your oral communication and interpersonal, both of which are most almost indispensable, employable qualities. And of course some graduates are doing pretty well with the laundry business as well. We’ve heard success stories of graduates who put a stop to their seeming never-ending job search, having realised a veritable financial potential in the laundry business. Mind you, that I included this also in the list is an indication of its genuineness. I’ve heard of a guy, a BSc graduate, who now runs a big laundry enterprise with about 5 staff on his payroll. Isn’t that fantastic?
Volunteer Job
Volunteering for organisations within your vicinity is also one of the very good ways of overcoming the few boring months one often spends as a fresh graduate. A secretary is needed in your Islamic organisation in the mosque, apply; a public relations in your church, why not go for it? With the community development association in your area, volunteer as a resource person or programme facilitator. I can assure you that with humility, diligence plus a positive mind-set, it won’t be long before someone links you up with a bigger opportunity. In the process, you’re acquiring basic skills such as communication and interpersonal, often needed in the corporate world.
To cap it, you’re a fresh graduate which means that you have zero job experience, still a newbie in the labour market. However, you will be doing yourself a greater harm if you believe jobs will fly at you by mere waiting for it, believing only in your numerous job applications and probably a few aptitude tests and interview. But I bet you, if you consider at least one of the above-mentioned productive engagements amidst your job search, you won’t only have equipped yourselves with some of the marketable skills needed to excel in your forthcoming job, but will have also boosted your CV.
 By: Sodiq Yusuf, a freelance editor and blogger who holds a BA in English from the University of Lagos. Check out his blog and connect with him on Linkedin.

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