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Tuesday 7 October 2014


For quite a while now, there have been excitement in the University of Lagos, due to the impending resuscitation of the proscribed SUG(Student Union Government).
After nine years of scrapping it, the SUG is on its way to limelight, but this time 'rebranded' as SU (Student Union).

I don't mean to burst your bubbles, but if the overrated SU will propel the changes we so desire is a question that should be on the uppermost part of our minds.
Let us not forget that the students union was interdicted for a reason, a justifiable one. The school authority has done well by proposing the intended SU. 

In the midst of the fervour, let us be conscious of the fact that there are underlying factors around the SU. A popular saying goes thus 'once bitten, twice shy'. The Vice Chancellor (VC) did not just wake up and decide to bring back the SU. I am sure the decision has been well examined and deliberated on, for it is only a foolish man that will let history repeat itself.

Yes, as students, we all want a body that can represent us. A platform through which, we can be heard and recognised. What has been pricking my heart is the drafted constitution for the SU. Representatives will be from each faculty and hallS of residences in the university which is a good idea. Are these representatives willing to serve, or are they seeing this as an opportunity to exploit the minority under the pretence of fighting for rights, especially the faculty presidents?
The Ex-Dean of Student Affairs, Prof. Olukayode Amund said in an interview that the University of Lagos students are not matured enough to be in any leadership position, hence the delegated or elected representatives will be well trained for a month. I do not fault this statement as it is regrettably obvious that we students are not playing our roles well.

There had been reports of some student leaders politicising their positions as if they are gods. When a post like this cannot be managed, how do we expect good governance in the SU. If things are not put in perspective with the look of things, the SU might be banned for a very long time. 

This article is not meant to ridicule, but a clarion call for checks and balances. As I have said earlier, the school authority knows what it is doing as the pros and cons of this decision would have been analysed. 

All the students in the University of Lagos cannot represent the renewed SU. Are the selected few willing to be responsible to the students, or is this an avenue for bad politics?

I might sound pessimistic, but I feel it is better to analyse bad possibilities. Rumour has it that the school authority has been greasing the palms of the quasi Student Representative Council (SRC) which is made of Council of Faculty Presidents and Council of Hall Chairs. I feel it is obligatory to address this. The present Quasi-SRC is meant to be an independent body not subjected to external coercion or compensation.
Recently, representatives were taken to Whispering Palms, Badagry for a 3-days retreat intended for the discussion of rudimentary issues affecting the students.

At first I held no objection to this, until I thought of it well. I hope the retreat is not a way of canvassing for the students’ interest. It was said that a student requested for money as compensation for hard work. I feel this is rather mortifying as it did not portray a good image. It is not by force to be a representative, if you are looking for benefits, then you are not worthy of the position in the first place. 

The suspicion that there is a conspiracy to limit the effectiveness and power of the much awaited Students Union through constitutional provisions that would make it a dependent, undemocratic and a bureaucratic union is a grave issue that was addressed by the Press Club UNILAG in an open letter to the school authority and the constitution drafting committee some weeks ago.

Another aspect of the constitution causing controversy is Article 7, section 1A which states that election into the ULSU executive council will be conducted through an electoral college. The question is who are the electoral college? Are Akokites being disenfranchised from voting?

Ostensibly, there are lots of arguments accompanying the drafted constitution and a call for review. It is evident that the union has to be strong, to make its presence felt. If the union will be subdued by tenets, what is the point in the first instance? We should rather subject to protesting alone then or what do you think?

The bone of contention is that the SRC should be at alert, and not forget that their loyalty is with the students. Protecting the students’ rights is their first statutory obligation. They should not be compromised by accepting 'brown envelopes' or fair treatment of any sort which will result in being responsible to their 'heavenly benefactors'

Being independent with a crystal clear defined goal will make them objective in their dealings with the authorities. What need to be said will be said without mincing words, likewise what needs to be done.

Leadership is not a one-day workshop, it is a gradual process. I believe if well practiced now, there is light at the end of the tunnel for our crumbling Nigeria. It is all about serving for positive changes.


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